⚡ Lightning Talks ⚡

Live from Venue and remote pre-recordings 17:30
⚡⚡⚡ Announcing streaming/remote 5 minute lightning talks at Django Day Copenhagen ⚡⚡⚡
Lightning talks:
- With or without slides
- Almost any topic you want
- New speakers encouraged.
The lightning talks are scheduled to take place 17:30 (but keep an eye out for changes in the schedule), at the end of Django Day on Friday April 8th. You need to register for the event.
Live talks at the venue: Announce your talk to an organizer before the end of the lunch break.
Remote participants: It’s a maximum 5 minutes. The 5 minutes are absolutely non-negotiable, as we cannot upload longer clips to the streaming platform. Send a youtube link or file to info@django-denmark.org before Thursday 20:00 UTC+2.. The talk will be reviewed.
How to record
Online tools: Create a meeting with yourself on Google Meet, Zoom or JitSi and record the meeting. This way, you can record yourself through a headset and for instance share your screen.
Software for Gnome on Linux: The program EasyScreenCast makes it possible to capture your screen, webcam and sound at the same time. You can select which area of the screen you want to record.